Green Square Aquatic Centre

Shortlist top 12 – Green Square Design Competition, City of Sydney 2014

The Green Square Aquatic centre is a recreational city-in-a-city. A continuous canopy unites a cluster of pavilions under a single roof, defining the spatial character of the Aquatic centre with soft dappled light, while providing sun protection and climate control. These smaller pavilions, thoughtfully placed on a landscaped “plaza”, create a network of streets and laneways between programs.

The perimeter frames the sports field and park as a large green courtyard for the aquatic centre. It is an urban room with no ceiling, at once
open to the city, yet intimate.

Instantly recognisable as a natural meeting place, it serves as a draw card and
gateway for the precinct, activating the urban fabric and providing public amenity.

We envisage the Gunyama park and Aquatic centre as the recreational cornerstone
of Green Square, setting a benchmark for sustainable design and development.


Matt Chan, Nathan Etherington, Jen McMaster, Georg Petzold, Alex Symes, Carlo Giannasca, Jonathon Donelly


City of Sydney


Green Square, Sydney, Australia


Frost* Design, Scape Design, Alexander Symes Architects


Competition Entry 2014